Ask Phoebe
for her insights on why we do what we do.
Ask Phoebe
For her opinion on why your personality type isn't getting along with another?

Question from an ESFJ about her elderly ENTJ mother’s mental condition: I just moved my 80-yr.-old mother to an over-65 facility that offers assisted care. Should I be concerned about my mother’s forgetfulness to pay bills or her inability to deal with problems with her cell phone and computer? She was in a similar facility in another state where she seemed to be able to handle those things but the move definitely exposed some issues that could be related to memory.

Answer: Moving to a new facility is difficult because it requires figuring out all new systems: who to go to for what? People with STJ preferences don’t like change, especially if the new facility is not being run efficiently. They are used to their well-tested routines. Beside being in a new place, the Covid-19 restrictions have reduced communications with management and with other residents that could resolve some of the problems. ESTJs like direct one-on-one interaction to find out the rules, regulations and norms of the new place. I would recommend directed communication with your mother to determine what her …

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Question from an ISTJ: Why do I get messaged on every issue in my department and asked to take on duties that I have no expertise or interest in? I want to be a team player but I would like to get paid for the extra work that is required to take on these jobs.

Answer: My guess is that you are very good at what you do and are a hard-worker so they want your input and your “good work” to get things done. ISTJs’ organizational skills and efficiency at tackling work tasks are much needed in most workplaces.  Their ability to do the work they are asked to do and their work values can be to their detriment because workaholism can be a byproduct. The antidote to this issue is to say “no” to work you think should be delegated to someone else or to some other department because it is not in …

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Question from an ENTJ Healing-Arts Therapist: Why does every day seem like “Groundhog Day?”

Answer: It’s an interesting question in today’s Covid-19 world… First of all, our lives are shut down by the rules, regulations, and requirements of living in a pandemic. If your business is still open, I would imagine that everyone coming in is experiencing depression and wanting to “feel better.” During these times, there is nothing that can lift your customers’ spirits for the long-term. I would guess that treatments would “fix” their bodies for the short-term but until the pandemic abates and things get back to some sort of normalcy, there is no resolution. For NTs, there is a need …

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Ask Phoebe

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about yourself, other people, work, or relationships, providing information on Type preferences if possible. I will answer your questions by email. In this column, I will use parts or all of your questions and use Myers-Briggs type preferences in place of names.

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